Vibrated Fascia Rolling Therapy

Fascia is a thin membrane of connective tissue that encloses, attachs and stablizes our internal organs. Fascia tissues, primarily collagen, consist a large organ system all over our body. It covers every muscle, bone, blood vessel, nerve fiber and hold them in place.

Fascia provides a supportive and movable wrapping for nerves and blood vessels as they pass through and between muscles.

Medical condition, aging, injury and surgery can damage or compromise fascia tissues and cause pain, circulation issues and reduced muscle performance.

Anthony Chrisco, the inventor of the Fascianator, the Fascianator Method of myofascial release and Founding Member of the Fascia Research Society has further enhanced his methodology by incorporating the vibration stimulus.

In his rolling procesure, Anthony employes a specially designed Fascianator Roller to roll on muscles. He found his rolling procedure is more effective when rolled on a linear vibration plate (Model VT007).

Anthony Chrisco, BS, ACE, NASM PES, is a Founding Member of the Fascia Research Society, a seasoned certified personal trainer, continuing education provider, co-owner and President of The Fascianator. For two decades, Anthony has dedicated himself to helping people improve physically.

For more information about Anthony Chrisco, learn about the his fascia rolling therapy and purchase the Fascianator Roller, please visit fascia rolling therapy

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