Scientific Studies on Vibration Therapy
vibration therapy

Scientific Studies on Vibration Therapy

Jay Research 08/20/2021

Scientists and medical professionals have conducted numerous studies and research projects on vibration therapy, including many randomized controlled clinical trials. Most research projects turned out some positive health benefit evidences, and indicated promising areas for further study.

Challenges in Scientific Study

However, it is very challenging to design and implement rigorous research trials and obtain accurate reports on vibration treatment efficacy. Issues include inadequate randomization, inconsistent patient criteria and deficient selection of controls. Placebo effect from vibration is another major challenge in measuring the actual efficacy.

Furthermore, the design of treatment modalities involve too many variables, including motion pattern, frequency, amplitude, session time and postures, etc. The complexity would require much larger sample size to produce meaningful and reliable results.

Due to these conditions and challenges, scientific studies and research experiments have not been able provide consistence results and guidance for the practical application of vibration therapy.

Lack of Funding

Most scientific studies and research trials are conducted by universities, medical institutions and government sponsored programs, with very limited funding. Research trials are small in scale and usually wrapped up at an early phase due to limited funding.

Medical companies with large resource of talents, facilities and funds are not interested in the research of vibration therapy because there is no financial incentive.

Vibration therapy is naturally a public domain knowledge, which cannot be protected as intellectual property right, and there is no technical know-how for the manufacturing of the equipment. The success of such a simple and low cost medical solution will not benefit medical companies.

Promising Applications in Practice

Although vibration therapy has been around for a very long time, its substantive practice has just started in recent years. It has quickly gained momentum, thanks to the availability of low cost vibration machines.

While scientists still need more time and resources to test and prove the methods and effects of vibration therapy, many patients have started their own experiments and been rewarded with good benefits. A considerable amount of accumulated evidences have demonstrated the power of vibration therapy in the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions, including poor circulation, bone loss, muscle atrophy, and nerve disorders, etc.

The unique vibration stimulation seems to work very well in tackling certain hard-to-treat / hard-to-diagnose medical conditions, including aging related heath issues and chronic diseases. Vibration intervention naturally cooperate with our body system to activate and enhance our self-healing power.

Now, the number of people using vibration therapy far exceeds anyone’s guess. In recent year, annually over half a million vibration machines were manufactured and sold. The population using vibration therapy are in millions. Many people perform vibration exercise on daily basis.

Share of Knowledge Experiences

With such a big population of vibration therapy users and practitioners, there are abundance knowledge and experiences accumulated but mostly scattered. This comes the purpose of VibrationCare Blog website. is established for the exchange of vibration therapy knowledge and experiences. It is specially designed with a category and tag system for vibration therapy related topics.

With shared knowledge and experiences, we will learn better about the mechanism, theories, applications, limitations an risks. Many more people will benefit from this convenient, low cost, and probably powerful and fundamental health and medical solution.

Science will catch up, eventually.

Interpreting life science from a mechanical engineering perspective.
